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Author | Poet | Engineer

Gabriel Gaiusbayode

everyone wants to be the spark,

no one ever wants to be the flame.

to save the moth from herself,

to burn . . . to change.

– When You Get Lost poetry book(Coming soon)

By Gabriel Gaiusbayode

When You Get Older

Poetry Book

This book serves as a bridge between my past and present, as I invite you into the soulful conception of my journey as a writer with a vulnerable story. It’s not just a collection of poems; it’s a carousel; an adventure; a puzzle of poetry slowly falling into one another as an intimate family tale of grief and faith are reimagined. If thought provoking art stimulates your passion, you’re in the right place.


“Perhaps we were stars,
from a distance
we were beautiful,
and the world
forgot we were burning.

When You Get Older 2023,
Gabriel Gaiusbayode


“i am a caterpillar
and must learn to
love the spikes on my skin
if i am to become the butterfly
i was meant to be”.

2023 freeverse,
Gabriel Gaiusbayode



“between the lights
and the switch
i am the shadow
that never flinched.”

Howard University ‘The Amistad’
2023 Issue, Gabriel Gaiusbayode

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